by Gideon and Ethan Marcus

First featured in the episode, "Arena", these formidable creatures never again graced the small screen (save for a non-speaking role in an animated episode).  In the SFB universe, they are equipped with puny plasma torps, and are good friends of the Federation.

We have decided to be consistency police again...

When Cestus 3 was attacked, the weapons were chacterized as "like phasers, only worse". We have determined that the torp boxes will be heavy phasers that can be overloaded with no penalty or side effects. After some encounters with the Romulans, they flirted with the Plasma-G (as in the original rules), but were unimpressed with the results, thus they are currently all using heavy phasers. They are experimenting with Plasma-G2s (as detailed in the optional rules) as of Year 156, and will have them sometime in the near future.

The Gorns watched their buffer between them and the Federation diminish with astonishing speed and it is no surprise that they reacted with such hostility to the Federation colonization of Cestus 3. The Gorns are not interested in expansion, however--just defense. Their mutual compatibility with the Federation will aid in future friendship.

And interesting scenario idea presents itself based on the old Balance of Terror episode.  The Romulans made a demonstration against the Federation.  Had the demonstration gone well, one can imagine the Romulans would have begun a second Romulan-Federation war.  It might also have been possible that the Romulans would launch a similar strike against the Gorns--not as a prelude to war, but as a demonstration of Romulan might meant to deter the Gorns from attacking on a second front pending a war with the Federation.  You can determine for yourself the efficacy of such a plan.  We've played the Gorn "Pearl Harbor" and I'll add it to the scenarios shortly.

Gorn Ships

[Image]The Gorn Scout

Fitted with large engines and two phasers, this speedy craft can be found probing the edges of Gorn space looking for habitable planets.

[Image]The Gorn Torpedo Boat

 Designed for group hit and run tactics, the torp boat packs a solid punch with two plasma torps.  It is not a balanced ship, however, and needs the assistance of more of its kind or perhaps a CL.

[Image]The Gorn Light Cruiser (included in the Commander's set, but now with its own SSD)

Check out this excellent webpage on the Gorns

The Gorn Home Page

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