Dateline: December 19, 2002
The site has been generally updated to currency. Derek Wildstar has been promoted to Commodore and Commander, 2nd Fleet, O.S.F. Dawn Moore has been promoted to Spacer 2nd commensurate with her new duties as Interfleet liason. And Specialist Leung has joined the main fleet.
Dateline: October 16, 2002
Welcome to Spacer 3rd, Keith Jackson, our newest recruit and congratulations go to Lieutenant Mandel, our new Chief Engineer.
Dateline: July 31, 2002
The Admiral, The Queen, newly promoted Commander McCarty, First Lieutenant Hughes, and Petty Officer 2nd Justin Johnson have just returned from Otakon!
A big website update is in progress and badges have been updated. Additional congratulations to Gary Roberts for his promotion to Lieutenant and to Sarah Dove for her induction into the crew! :)
Dateline: July 21, 2002
Thanks to Perfect John (tm) for our first major site facelift in a long time! Please let us know what you think.
Dateline: March 20, 2002
Several elements of the Ship arrived at and departed from Katsucon without incident. The new ship--The Shoujou Kakumei Otaku was christened, and several new crew were inducted amid much fanfare and fan thwappage.
Dateline: January 5, 2002
Happy New Year! It is about time I tidied up around here. The crew pages have been updated and convention reports are being put on line. Non Con 2 went off splendidly with lots of fun and none of the lame-ness. Next con: Katsucon 2002!
Dateline: October 8, 2001
Ani-Magic 2001 was lots of fun with two Eva: Afterbirth showings, several SDF-O guests, many panels moderated, and lots of work done. Welcome aboard, Petty Officer Ono.
Dateline: September 24, 2001
Preparations for Ani-Magic are at a fever pitch. We're taking DDR 4th Mix Plus, couches, venue posters, and over a dozen crew and guests. We also have just welcomed aboard Spacer 3rd Gunzinger.
Dateline: August 16, 2001
The Captain and the Queen flew out to Otakon and enjoyed one of the best cons they've ever attended. Ensigns Johnson and Butler as well as Spacer Sullivan were also in attendance, but sadly, due to circumstances beyond their control, Brittany and Siobhan were unable to do their hilarious spoof of Katsucon's Angel's Sanctuary skit.
Dateline: July 10, 2001
The SDF-O has successfully returned from the country's largest (and possibly poorest run) convention. Docked at the Westin for four days and three nights, elements of the crew blazed in glory as they won the Masquerade on Saturday night. Three new members took the oath and in a tear-inducing ceremony, the first sister ship, the S.C.C. Lumina was christened Captained by none other than The Kawaii Jenny.
Pictures to follow as they are developed.
Expo is traditionally promotion review time on board. Many of our raw recruits became full fledged Spacers, and our old brood all enjoyed sewing an extra stripe to their collar.
Dateline: May 27, 2001
NonCon (con con con) was a raging success with many viewings, much swimming, fabulous cosplay, and a lot of singing. Commendations to 2nd Officer Lutz for his planning of the affair, 3rd officer McCarty for his providing of computerized karaoke, Lt. Piper for providing beverages, Ensign Roberts for his fiscal underwriting, and all the rest of the crew who made this the best (non) Con this crew has ever attended.
Dateline: April 2, 2001
The crew has returned triumphantly from Fanime. Stunning costumes were worn, two showings of Afterbirth were made, and every event view by at least one of the 16 members of crew attending. All in all a worthwhile trip.
And for those who demanded it... here is "Yaoi World"
Dateline: December 11th, 2000
It is confirmed that Evangelion: Afterbirth will be shown at least once at Fanime. In addition, it is planned to perform "Yaoi World" as often as possible. Oh the humanity.
5 rooms have been reserved at the Westin Hotel in Long Beach for Anime Expo. 1 room will be for the Captain and Queen, while the other 4 have double beds. They probably will not be connecting like last year, but they should be close together (and the view should be good too) I know it's way in advance, but let's start planning now at least as far as who's coming.
It looks as if SDF-O will be official guests at Ani-Magic 2001! Our contributions next year tentatively incluse another showing of Evangelion: Afterbirth and the use of the Ship's DDR machine. The following crew have got free Registration for this convention:
Gideon, Mike, Dave, Shaun, Janice, Aaron
This is in recognition of their contributions to Ani-Magic 2000.
In addition, our good friend Yaya Han who drew some awesome art for our ship will likely be an Artist Guest of Honor. This is going to be a great con!
The weekend of October 6-8, the SDF-O split into two parties and attended the fledgling convention, Ani-Magic in Lancaster and also AWA in Georgia.
SDF-O studios presented their latest masterpiece: Evangelion: Afterbirth
Reports have yet to come in from AWA, but our presence at Ani-Magic was much appreciated. Our movie was shown both Friday night and Sunday morning to receptive and pleased audiences. We have been invited back next year.
ANI-MAGIC WAS A BLAST!!!!! I strongly recommend that we all try to make it there as a crew next year. Over 50 SDF-O business cards were handed out. Our name is known.
Special thanks goes to Brittany Johnson for the creation of our mascot, Suna. Welcome to the crew, Brittany!
The SDF-O has been busy this summer. First, we attended Expo. For more info on that,
check out our Expo page .
Then the Captain, Queen, and Animator Extraordinaire flew to Otakon. Dryden Fassa made his second appearance and dazzled fans everywhere. Duo Maxwell also arrived amid great fanfare.