"Sure.  Pick on the midget."

The Story:

    Following the runaway success of Afterbirth, a new team was assembled for the dissection of a new movie.  Efforts were made.. and abandoned.  First, Legend of Crystannia, then Escaflowne: The Movie.  The comedy group even tried overdubbing Angel Sanctuary, but with the exception of the happy birth of the fabulous Hans, nothing came of it.

   Until the Queen suggested the X Movie.  

   It takes a special kind of bad to make an SDF-O production.  It has to be spectacularly bad, with lots of interesting and disgusting events on the screen to capture the imagination and provide fodder for sophisticated (and peurile) humor.  It helps when a surprising percentage of the population stubbornly holds the movie dear.  That ensures that the movie is popular enough to be known, and also that a bunch of people will hate us for destroying it.

    Just one of the perqs of the job.  ^_~

    I think X/Y? was a smashing success, especially if the crowds at Otakon and Fanime were any indication.  The rooms were packed and people laughed and laughed.  It's still a live piece so perhaps it will show again at a con near you.  Ask for it by name!

These boobs are home to 100,000 caribou!

X/Y? has been exposed at Otakon 2003, Anime USA 2003, and Fanime 2004